Cloud Air Wi-Fi 8 days

Product Key :WIF-W-08

Rental Price : 5,100YEN
≈ 32.97 USD(Tax included)

Wider network
Provides coverage using signal from Japan's 3 largest networks, allowing your network to switch as you move for optimal performance.

More Data for You
No more 3 day usage limits. Contact us for further details.

Long Lasting Battery
Twice as much battery as before, enjoy your connection with 12 hours of continuous use!

Download MAX 150Mbps/Upload Max 50Mbps.

Usage Limits
After 150GB of data have been used, speed will be temporarily dropped to 256kbps.

Any Device that Uses WiFi

Smartphones (iPhone, Nexus 5,Galaxy, Blackberry, etc.)

Tablets (iPad, Galaxy Tab, Surface, etc.)


Playstation Vita, Nitendo DS, iPod touch etc.

690 JPY
